I have to start by having to admit how overwhelmed I truly was. Once I got to town my blogger brain shut off and my fangirl brain kicked in. I missed some things because I'd written down the wrong closing times. MAJOR facepalm. But it gives me an excuse to go back up as soon as possible. I was shocked at how close I actually live. A half tank trip there and back. And the ride up from south of Portland was SO beautiful.
We got to town after 3 PM on Saturday and it was so quiet. There must have been a lull while people rested up for the Farewell to Warren Field event. We got a parking space pretty quick and it was not crowded in town at all.
The town of Astoria is extremely charming. Extremely. I think it's darn near impossible to not fall in love with the place and you don't have to wait until Goonies Weekend to have a Goonie adventure. With a little online research and planning you can see all the movie locations at any time. You can get close enough to Mikey's house to take photos during the off season but bear in mind it is a PRIVATE residence so respect for the property owners and the neighborhood is an ABSOLUTE MUST. I didn't do the bus tour to get inside the house. It doesn't appear the same as it did in the movie, but as you can see the exterior looks very much the same. Someday I hope to get on the porch, but we got some nice pictures anyway. As we were walking away, I did start to cry because this movie did have a very profound effect on me and I'm so very grateful. As I say in my profile, this is the movie that truly changed my life. Then it hit me when I got home that not only was I in a spot where a movie was filmed, but it was a good movie and not only was it a good movie, it was a Spielberg produced movie and not only a Spielberg produced movie it was directed by the incredible Richard Donner. RICHARD DONNER!!! SUPERMAN!!!! LADYHAWKE!!! DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!

My Team Mouth shirt courtesy CafePress. Very comfy.
The Goonies house was how we ended the day. The neighborhood is so pretty with some really beautiful homes. As we drove out of town, I saw the Lady Washington heading back to port. Reminded me of the Inferno at the end of the movie.
The first thing we did was visit the Armory where the 80s Con was set up. Albino Dragon took some time to talk about their cards with me and they do really nice work. I couldn't get over the silky feel of their cards. The Official Goondocks store had a long line. Some souvenirs sold out. I picked up an attendee lanyard and a pint glass for a neighbor who went nuts over my Goonies calendar in my kitchen. You can check out the 80s con vendors here. If you couldn't attend the event, I'm sure many of the vendors will be happy to ship.
The lanyard Mat made for me. I wore it for two seconds and cracked the badge holder while putting my seat belt on. Two minutes outside of town!!!!
Anyway, there is still come awesome merchandise available including the Albino playing cards, the Gordos Plush and official 30th Anniversary Merchandise. Kind of regretting not getting a pint glass for myself. Hmmmm.
Just outside the 80s con there was some art displayed from the Gallery Nucleus Goonies 30th Anniversary Art Show. The Joey Chou is my favorite. So cute!!!
The Virtual Lug Goonies build was displayed inside the Armory.
Gordos had stepped out and I don't blame them a bit. The area is so wonderful and it was a beautiful day. Drat my terrible timing. Check out their awesome banner showing future characters.
The gorgeous Flavel House that is shown briefly in The Goonies. And this is typical of the architecture around town. Some really breathtaking homes and buildings.
We took a short stroll along the river walk. I was fascinated with the cargo ships. I'd never seen shipping vessels that large.
And one of my favorite parts of the day....................the sea lions!!! I've adored seals and sea lions since I was a little girl. They spend a few months of the year hanging out close to my home and I love their barking. It's been quiet and not long before my trip up I'd found out they had migrated up north to Astoria!! They can get quite loud and not all the residents are fans so a fake orca was engaged to scare the sea lions away.
Some were out and about, there were many more than my photo shows.
The sea lions weren't fooled a bit and the orca actually capsized. Very amusing to visitors! The Goonie Store, another location I somehow missed, had made pins and stickers of Chunk and the adorable sea lions defiantly proclaiming "Sea Lions Never Say Die!" Once I got home and onto Facebook people had posted pictures of this merchandise. I was so bummed!!! Then happiness and elation, the Goonies store sold their wares online and I wasted no time ordering the sea lion pin which came with a free sticker. ADORABLE!!!!
My new most favorite things in the world!!!! My sticker was bent in shipping but I'm sure I can't straighten it out. The pin is a lot nicer than my photo shows and so darling!!!!!
We spent over 4 hours in town and I so very much enjoyed my time there. There's a lot to see and I can't wait to go back up and spend more time. I can't believe I missed the Oregon Film Museum, but that was my own snafu. Oh well, like I said, another excuse to go back asap. And there's a lot of non-Goonies coolness was well. I really want to visit the Maritime Museum. The area is so steeped in history and you can feel the weight of it while you are there. I can not put into words how awesome an area it really is and with some research any weekend can be Goonies Weekend!!!!!
Official program made by event sponsor Dark Horse and Portland area free newspaper Willamette Week with a Goonies dedicated issue. I didn't see any mention of it, but Dark Horse did announce the forthcoming Goonies coffee table book (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and there is also a comic series in the works. If you are not familiar with Dark Horse, make an effort to check them out. Their books and comics are incredible.
The day before Mat and I were presented with these awesome shirts!! Mat wore his proudly all day and I wore mine part of the day. We weren't in town two minutes before someone was asking us where to get these shirts.
Restaurant with very pleasant staff and delicious fried fishy stuffs and french fries. Mat and I split a sampler platter and we did not go home hungry.
All in all a wonderful, amazing day. I was thrilled to be there and absolutely can not wait to go back. Soon!!!
Thank you Astoria!!!!